Magnetic gives you default status lanes to get you started. 

This is what each status lane means: 

  1. TBA - To be actioned
    • This lane is to be used when Traffic / Client Services is building the job or making changes to the job.
    • Briefs/amendments and tasking are to be conducted in this phase.
  2. In Studio
    • The job is sitting in the studio. 
    • The job will either move to CTR or back to TBA.
  3. CTR - Client to revert
    • The job is to be moved to CTR when artwork or information has been sent to the client for feedback.
    • The job will either move down the lanes to invoicing, or an amendment will be made and the job will be moved back to TBA for Traffic or Customer Services to assign the task to someone.
  4. In production
    • The job is now in production.
    • The job will either move to CTR or back to TBA.
  5. Invoicing
    • The job is now with finance.
  6. Closed
    • Once the jobs have been paid for they move into this lane where they are archived.
  7. Canceled
    • If a job gets canceled they are moved into this phase and archived. 

Action Point:

You can now go and customise the status lanes according to your business needs.