Creating and assigning tasks to users is easy with Magnetic!
You can assign a task to a specific user or multiple users and also add watchers who will be notified of any changes on that task.
Follow these steps to create a task:
- Hover over the quick add menu at the bottom left side of your screen (or click the "New Task" button)
- Click on "Task" on the menu that pops up.
- Fill in the following information:
- Task name: Give your task a name e.g. Design website.
- Task Description: Here you can add as much information as you like about the task. E.g Clarify all the client's expectations
- Select Project / Opportunity or Create new Opportunity: By entering the name of a project, job or opportunity here, you can create the task inside an existing job. Alternatively, create an opportunity in the text box for the task to be stored in.
- Task Owner: This is the person the task is assigned to. You can select more that one person and they will each receive their own individual version of that task.
- Billable: Tick this box if the time tracked on this task is billable.
- Billing rate: In your settings you can set up item types according to which your different users track time. Select the relevant billing rate for this task from the dropdown menu.
- Start Date: The day the owner is scheduled to start working on the task.
- End Date: The day the task is due for completion.
- Estimated effort: The estimated time you think it will take to complete the task.
- Total Tracked Time: The amount of time already tracked on this task. First enter the hours then the minutes.
- Status: Select the status of the task based on your workflow. Status lanes are customisable!
- Colours: Indicate the colour of the task (if applicable to you
- Tags: Tags can be used as quick flagging to differentiate. E.g. Add the tag "Timing Plan" to certain tasks. Then you can print a timing plan of only those tagged tasks.
- Watcher: Add names of people who you want to receive email notifications of any important changes happening on the task.
- Attachment icon: Attach a document to this task.
- Save once you have filled in all the relevant information.
See the gif below on how to add a task in Magnetic:
Create private tasks only you can see
- Create a new project to group these private tasks in and make sure you create the project as private by ticking the "private" checkbox. Then simply add tasks to this project. A project's visibility governs all the tasks stored in the project.
- If you set a task for someone else inside the private job/project, they will be able to see all tasks in the private job/project.

Creating Section Headings in your task list
- Click on Tasks on the bar at the top of your screen.
- Click on the button "New Section"
- Type in the name of the Section heading followed by :
- E.g. This Week:
- Fill in the rest of the info as normal.
- Save
Section headings allow you to group tasks together. Any tasks beneath particular section heading can be collapsed using (-) icon on the right hand side of the heading.
See the following tutorials:
Working with time tracking and advanced time reports
Learn how to save your popular searches
See how to use data tables