Magnetic is full of useful shortcuts that can save you loads of time. This includes creating tasks directly from line items in a cost estimate.
***Note***Before you can do this, you need to have your item types setup and have created a cost estimate.
Follow these steps:
- Click on Accounts
- Click on Cost Estimates.
- Find the CE you want to use to create tasks. (You may want to use the search filters).
- Hover over the icons on the right-hand side of the CE. (If you are using list view).
- Click on the icon that is called "Generate Tasks for Cost Estimate".
- A message will pop up asking you to confirm that you want to create tasks from this particular CE.
- Click on confirm if this is the correct CE.
- All the line items on the CE will now be converted into tasks.

Also see:
Creating a Cost Estimate
Learn how you can use templates to create Cost EstimatesNext step:
Create templates for Cost Estimates that you use on a regular basis.